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Welcoming delegates from Thangal Kunju Musaliar College of Engineering, India to UTM University Laboratory Management Centre
14 November 2023 | 11.30 a.m
Lead By Prof. Dr. Mohd Yazid bin Yahya
Visited Lab
Xray & Thermal Lab
Mass Spectrometry & Molecular Spectroscopy
Chemical Analysis Lab
Micronano Fabrication & Machining Lab
Chemical Management Unit
Thank You for your interest and hoping it will be benefecial and fruitful for both company . Your presence has been a catalyst for inspiration and collaboration, and we are genuinely appreciative of the contributions you made to our discussions and endeavors. The exchange of ideas and experiences has left a lasting impression, and we are richer for the knowledge and perspectives you brought to the table.
We at PPMU are optimistic that this is just the beginning of a meaningful partnership. The synergy we’ve experienced has laid a strong foundation, and I look forward to the possibility of future collaborations that build upon the connections forged during your visit. The potential for joint ventures and shared achievements is exciting, and I am confident that together, we can achieve great things.