University Laboratory Management Centre
CMU supports the enforcement of laws and regulations related to the risk management of chemical substances in the campus.

Chemical Safety
Legal Requirement
Chemicals are used widely in teaching, learning and research activities in UTM. Students and researchers should be aware that many materials used in the laboratory are regulated by various legislation and agencies. Thus, all procedures applied in CMU are strictly following the legal requirements, starting from the beginning of chemical procurement until the disposal of chemical wastes.

The practice of using occupational chemical substances in a manner that ensures the safety and health of humans and prevents damage to the environment.Â
The combination of practices and safety procedures that reinforce the controlled use and proper containment of potentially dangerous chemicals and flammable gases.
Management of any waste falling within the categories of waste listed in the First Schedule; Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulation 2005.
Hazard communication program are compulsory to be provided by the employer that have hazardous chemicals in their workplaces. In CMU we believed that talk, seminar, course, advice, open discussion, and the potential of face to face and hands on training is needed to improve the awareness on chemical safety in the campus. Thus, we offers everyone to discuss and organize any internal training needed in your unit/department.
“All substances are poison. There is none which is not poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.”
-Paracelcus (1493-1541)