+6 07-555 7583 pmu@utm.my


Brand : JEOL JSM-IT300LV

    • Location: Microscope FE-SEM & VP-SEM Laboratory (01-46-01)


    • Details of Instrument:

    The JSM-IT300LV is series of tungsten/LaB6 low vacuum SEMs. With a high resolution of 3.0nm at 30kV and unsurpassed low kV performance, the JSM-IT300LV delivers amazing clarity for imaging the finest structures. Versatility and high resolution across the magnification range of 5X – 300,000X are the hallmarks of the JEOL tungsten SEM family.

    JSM-IT300LV extends vacuum pressure range to 650 Pa, more than twice that of earlier models. In low vacuum mode, this capability enhances SEM imaging versatility for samples that are wet, oily, outgas excessively or are non-conductive without pre-treatment.

    JSM-IT300LV include multiple analytical attachments such as: energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), heating/cooling sub stages. The large vacuum chamber accommodates samples up to 300mm in diameter and 80mm in height.


    • Service Charge
      Please refer to P.I.C for quotation.


    • Operation Hours
      9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


    • Status
      Available for booking


    • P.I.C

    1. Anis Asyikin binti Sukari


    Tel. No.: 07-561 0268



    2. Norhazalina binti Haliba





    Download Booking Form click here 

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