+6 07-555 7583 pmu@utm.my
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1. Apakah perkhidmatan yang beroperasi di UIRL semasa tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Fasa 3.0 ?
1. What services are available in UIRL during the Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 3.0?
Semua perkhidmatan analisis di makmal UIRL beroperasi seperti biasa semasa tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan kecuali alat yang sedang dalam penyelenggaraan.
All services are available in UIRL as usual during the Movement Control Order except for the instrument(s) under maintenance.
2. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk saya menghantar borang permohonan dan sampel ke UIRL semasa tempoh PKP?
2. How can I submit my application form and sample to UIRL during the MCO?
a) Pelanggan boleh menghantar borang permohonan kepada PIC alat melalui emel. Sila muat-naik borang dari laman web PPMU pada pautan berikut https://ppmu.utm.my/download-2/
b) PIC alat akan:
i. memberikan tarikh temujanji kepada pelanggan sekiranya pelanggan mahu menghantar sampel ‘dengan tangan’ di T03 UIRL;
ii. memberikan nama dan alamat makmal kepada pelanggan sekiranya pelanggan mahu menghantar sampel secara pos
c) Pelanggan boleh datang berjumpa dengan PIC alat di T03 mengikut tarikh temujanji yang telah ditetapkan.
*Aktiviti (FAQ No. 2) harus mematuhi SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak UTM.
a) Customer can send the application form direct to the instrument PIC by email. Please upload the application form through PPMU website at https://ppmu.utm.my/download-2/
b) Instrument PIC will:
i. provide the appointment date if the customer requests to submit the sample 'by hand' at T03 UIRL;
ii. provide the customer with his/her name and laboratory address if the customer wants to send the sample by courier
c) Customer can meet the PIC at T03 UIRL by the appointment date given if b(i) is chosen.
*Activity (FAQ No. 2) are subject to UTM health and safety protocols and SOPs.
3. Berapa lama permohonan saya akan diproses dan sampel saya akan dianalisis?
3. How long does it take to process the application and sample testing?
Permohonan akan diproses sebaik sahaja emel diterima oleh PIC alat. Walaubagaimanapun, pengujian sampel bergantung kepada bilangan sampel sedia ada dari pelanggan terdahulu. Tempoh maksimum adalah tidak melebihi 14 hari. PIC alat akan memaklumkan sebarang perubahan terkini (sekiranya ada).
Applications will be processed as soon as the email received by the instrument PIC. However, sample testing is depends on the queue. Maximum period is not more than 14 days. Any updates will be notified (if any).
4. Adakah mahasiswa dibenarkan hadir ke T03 UIRL untuk menghantar sampel?
4. Do the students are allowed to submit the samples to T03 UIRL?
Merujuk kepada pekeliling semasa UTM, hanya pelajar yang berada di dalam kampus sahaja dibenarkan.
As refer to the current UTM's circular, only postgraduates who are on campus are allowed.
5. Sekiranya saya telah menerima tarikh temujanji penghantaran sampel dari PIC alat. Bolehkah saya memohon untuk membuat pindaan?
5. If I already received an appointment date from the instrument PIC to submit the sample but I’m not available. Can I ask for re-schedule?
Ya, anda boleh memohon kepada PIC alat untuk meminda tarikh baru.
Yes, you can ask the instrument PIC re-schedule to a new date.
6. Bolehkah saya bersama dengan PIC alat semasa analisis dijalankan?
6. Can I be with the instrument PIC during the analysis?
Hanya analisis tertentu sahaja yang dibenarkan seperti analisis mikroskopi dan pengimejan. Jika anda daripada industri, maka surat kebenaran dari UIRL diperlukan untuk memasuki kampus. Manakala, jika anda adalah pelajar, maka surat kelulusan dari Fakulti/Sekolah perlu dilampirkan bersama permohonan seperti FAQ No. 2. Kebenaran adalah tertakluk kepada protokol keselamatan dan kesihatan dan SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh UTM.
Only selected analysis are allowed such as microscopy and imaging analysis. If you are from industry, then approval letter from UIRL is required to enter the campus. However, if you are a student, then you need to submit the application as refer to FAQ No. 2 with the letter of approval from the Faculty/School. The permission are subject to UTM health and safety protocols and SOPs.
7. Bagaimana pihak industri ingin memohon kebenaran memasuki kampus UTM bagi menghantar sampel ke T03 UIRL semasa PKP?
7. How does the industry want to apply for permission to enter the UTM campus to send samples to T03 UIRL during MCO?
Kebenaran dari pihak atasan UTM perlu diperolehi terlebih dahulu. Kebenaran rasmi ini perlu dikemukakan kepada Pegawai Keselamatan ketika memasuki kampus UTM. Oleh itu, semasa pihak industri menghantar borang permohonan kepada PIC alat (rujuk FAQ No. 2), sila nyatakan keperluan memasuki kampus UTM bagi penghantaran sampel ‘dengan tangan’ ke T03 UIRL.
Approval from UTM authorities must be obtained. This approval must be presented to the Security Officer upon entering the UTM campus. Therefore, when the industry submitting the application form to the instrument PIC (refer to FAQ No. 2), please specify the need to enter UTM campus for sending the sample by-hand to T03 UIRL.
8. Bagaimana saya boleh mendapatkan kadar caj analisis yang diperlukan?
8. How can I get the analysis charges?
Pelanggan boleh emelkan analisis yang ingin dilakukan kepada PIC alat bagi mendapatkan sebutharga.
Customer can email the required analysis to the instrument PIC for the quotation.
9. Bagaimanakah pembayaran boleh dilakukan bagi menerima keputusan analisis?
9. How payment can be made to receive the results of the analysis?
Terdapat tiga (3) kaedah pembayaran iaitu:
a) secara log card – menggunakan log card sedia ada dibawah nama penyelia;
b) secara inbois – inbois akan dikeluarkan sebaik sahaja keputusan analisis telah tersedia. Inbois dibayar melalui RADIS (jika dalaman UTM) dan melalui Bendahari UTM (jika pihak luar UTM);
c) secara tunai – pelanggan perlu membuat bayaran secara tunai di Unit Kewangan PPMU sebelum keputusan analisis diserahkan.
Pemilihan kaedah bayaran ini perlu ditentukan terlebih dahulu semasa melengkapkan dan menghantar borang permohonan (rujuk FAQ No. 2).
There are three (3) types of payment as follows:
a) by log card – use an existing log card under the supervisor's name;
b) by invoice – the invoice will be issued as soon as the analysis results are available. Pay the invoice through RADIS (for internal) and through UTM Bursary (if external);
c) by cash – customer need to pay by cash to PPMU Finance Unit before the analysis result is given away.
Customer need to choose the method of payment during completing and submitting the application form (refer FAQ No. 2).
10. Sekiranya saya memerlukan analisis segera, bolehkah saya memohon untuk memintas senarai menunggu sedia ada?
10. If I need an urgent analysis, can I bypass the existing waiting lists?
Ya, anda boleh memohon perkhidmatan 'laluan segera'. Namun ianya tertakluk kepada tambahan 50% daripada kadar caj asal.
Yes, you can apply for the 'fast lane' services. However, it is subject to an additional 50% of the normal charge rate.
11. Apa yang perlu saya lakukan sekiranya baki log card saya tidak mencukupi untuk membuat bayaran analisis?
11. What should I do if I have insufficient balance in my log card for analysis payment?
Terdapat dua (2) cara iaitu:
a) membuat permohonan tambah nilai baki log card dari Unit Kewangan PPMU; atau
b) membuat bayaran secara tunai
There are two (2) way as follows:
a) make a request for top up the log card balance from PPMU Finance Unit; or
b) make a payment by cash
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