Advanced Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (01-59-02)
2Details of Instrument:The AGILENT 6560 UHPLC-IM-QTOF-MS/MS system is the first commercially available uniform field ion mobility, coupled with Agilent 1290 UHPLC that combined separation power and selectivity of LC, IM and MS. This instrument provide facilities to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis with high sensitivity, selective and speed analysis of samples from pesticides, drugs, forensics, water quality, foods, natural products and synthesized organic compounds.

It is a hybrid quadrupole system to mass analyzer of Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight for high resolution accurate mass and accurate collision cross section (CCS) measurement with added dimension of separation for the most complex samples. It was used diode array (DA) detector (Wavelength range: 190-640nm) for preliminary analysis of separated sample mixture in real time during connection to mass analyser.

This instrument will be able to:

  • INVESTIGATE STRUCTURAL ISOMERS - Directly determine molecular size (from collision cross sections) without reference standards or calibration tables.

  • INCREASE PEAK CAPACITY - Effectively resolve individual components in complex mixtures with the combined power of UHPLC, ion mobility, and mass spectrometry.

  • FIND AND IDENTIFY MINOR COMPONENTS - Readily detect low femtogram analytes in complex matrices using electrodynamic funnel technology.

  • PRESERVE PROTEIN CONFORMATIONS - Study gas phase peptide and protein structures and effectively minimise ion heating effects to maintain molecular conformations.

The HPLC-MS-MS system provide 3 types of ion source :

  1. Electrospray Ionization (ESI) -sensitivity by 5-10 fold improvement at flow rate 50µL/min-2.5mL/min

  2. Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)

  3. Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART)

  4. The system has direct analysis mass spectrometry without injection of samples to HPLC. It is supplied with Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) for measurement of solid, liquid or other materials samples.

    Agilent 1290 Infinity UHPLC :

    • flow range at 0.001 to 5ml/min in 0.001ml/min increment.

    • maximum pressure: 1200 bar (17400psi) up to 2ml/min and 800bar up to 5ml/min.

    • Auto sampler injection volume : 0.1 -20µL

    • Minimum injection : 1 to 10µL

    Agilent 6560 IM-QTOF mass analyser provides high-resolution quadrupole as a mass filter for MS mode and selection of precursor ions in MS-MS mode.

    Mass Range :

    1. Extended Mass Range – (m/z): 100-10000

    2. High Resolution – (m/z) : 50-1700 or 100-3200

    3. Extended Dynamic Range - (m/z) : 50-1700 or 100-3200

3Service ChargePlease refer to P.I.C for quotation.
4Operation HoursSunday - Wednesday :
9.00 am – 4.00 pm

9.00 am - 3.00 pm
5StatusAvailable for booking
6P.I.CMalahah Mohamed

Norsyafawani Sarah Bt Md Saad
7Download Booking FormClick Here
Updated on : 15/01/2018


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