- Requirement in USECHH Regulation 2000 :
- Other related references :
- Occupational Safety & Health (Classification, Labeling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013Â (Class Regulation 2013).
- Industrial Code of Practice on Chemicals Classification and Hazard Communication (ICOP) 2014.
- Expressed Labeling Self Assessment (ELSA)
- List of Hazard Statement & Precautionary StatementÂ
- Suppliers shall comply to Class Regulation 2013. CMU will not tolerate to any suppliers that did not comply to the regulation.
- Label and relabel should following the latest hazard pictograms format :

Exlamation Mark
- Irritant (eye & skin)
- Skin sensitizer
- Acute toxicity
- Narcotic effects
- Respiratory tract irritant
- Hazardous to ozone layer (non-mandatory)

Health Hazard
- Carcinogen
- Mutagenicity
- Reproductive toxicity
- Respiratory sensitizer
- Target organ toxicity
- Aspiration toxicity

- Skin corrosion/burns
- Eye damage
- Corrosive to metals

Skull & Crossbones
- Acute toxicity (fatal or toxic)

Flame Over Circle
- Oxidizing gases
- Oxidizing liquids
- Oxidising solids

- Flammables
- Pyrophorics
- Self heating
- Emits flammable gas
- Self re-actives
- Organic peroxides

Exploding Bomb
- Explosives
- Self re-actives
- Organic peroxides

Gas Cylinder
- Gases under pressure

- Aquatic toxicity